Senior Ratings

Below is a list of ratinsg for current DanceSport BC members. To scan the database for historical rating information, enter the first and/or last name of a competitor and click on the search button.

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Ailinh Hoang S0 R10
Aleksander Vlasev P9/C N0
Angie Lo R0 N0
Anna Rajkowski B1 N0
Annie Tsang P0/C N0
Betty Szeto R1 N0
Charles Han S8 R10
Connie Yeung B3 N0
Cynthia Gordon P1/C B8/C
David Spence P5 N0
Denise Riley-Spence P5 N0
Dianne Moniz R0 R1
Djun Kim P1 R3
Don Adair CH S3
Evatina Tang CH B2
Flora Lee CH N0
Francois Verreault N0 N0
Gail Whitcroft R10 S0
Gary Chan P1/C B8/C
Harold Lee CH N0
Helen Lu P1 S11
Henry Robin High CH N0
Henry Szeto R1 N0
Ingrid Zurekova G6/C S5
Izmet Barranco N0 R2
Jack Wei CH B2
Johnny Kwok R11 R0
Jonathan Tiu N1 N0
Judy Y. Chan S8/C N0
Jun Mark Ma CH R0
Karen Fedoruk P7/C G1
Kellie Bruyneel N0 N0
Kris Drozdzenski CH N0
Larry Yip CH P5/C
Linda Kwok R11 R0
Lynne Jordon R1 R0
Maria Carmen Galang G7 N0
Marian Adair CH S3
Michael Andrews R0 N0
Michael Kittel R1 R0
Miroslav Hatas G6/C S5
Monica Reimer G6 S11
Neil Fleischmann G7 N0
Nick van de Pauw B8/C B0
Pap (Sam) Szabolcs R2 R3
Paul Lee B3 R0
Peter Cheung P1 S11
Peter Gladysz B1 N0
Raymond Rusk R0 R1
Renee Berard P9/C B0
Ron Whitcroft R10 S0
Sharon Wilson R0 N0
Shirley Yue P1 R0
Shirly Cen P2/C N0
Sidney Pecul R2 N0
Sy Jung CH P5/C
Tom Overton R11 N0
Tony Tsang P0/C N0
Ulric Robins R3 N0
Victoria Dianov P2/C N0
Vincent Mok P8/C N0
Ying Zhen (Linda) Zhang P4 N0